Healthy University Program 2024-12-02T11:09:57+08:00
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Health University Program

As a member of the “Asia-Pacific Network of Healthy Universities” since 2007, UM is committed to build a healthy, safe and eco-friendly campus, an excellent environment for learning, research, work and living for students and staff. UM has been working hard to promote the healthy lifestyle, as well as to enhance the awareness of campus safety and environmental protection of UM members.

As a “Healthy University”, UM devotes the greatest effort in building a high-quality campus where students and staff are able to bring their potential into full play.

Activity Series of Healthy University Month 2024 

Left to right: Healthy University Carnival, “Green” Recycling Activity, and Autumn Coastal Hike

Left to right: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Seminar, Visit to Public Health Specialist Building of Hospital Conde de São Januário, and “Prevention of Common Cancers in Women” seminar

Activity Series of Healthy University 2023 

Left to right: group exercise and game booths of Healthy University Carnival, seminar on women’s health

Left to right: visit to charitable organizations in the Macao community, recycling activity, seminar on anemia 

Healthy University Week 2022 (7th – 11th November)

Left to right: group photo, cheerleading performance, group exercise, game booths of Healthy University Carnival

Left to right: first-aid training course, ophthalmology seminar, environmental style fashion design competition, visit to Oscar Farm

Healthy University Day 2021 (24th November)

Left to right: Performance of UM Dragon Dance Team, Welcome speech delivered by Prof. Michael Hu, Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) of UM, Student Liu Hancong got the Champion award of the “Catch the Green Environment at UM” Snapshot Activity, Performance of UM Cheerleading Team

Left to right: Group photo of guests, “Come and Move” Program, Game on laboratory safety, health test

Healthy University Week 2020 (16th to 20th Nov., 2020)

Left to right: Launch Ceremony (16/11); “Come and Move” Program during Launch Ceremony (16/11); Anti-pandemic Experience Sharing Session (17/11)

Left to right: Visit to Civil Protection Operations Centre (18/11); Environmental-friendly Product Workshop – Natural Handmade Lip Balm (19/11); Hiking at Ká Hó Height Family Trail (20/11)

Healthy University Week 2019 (18th to 22nd Nov., 2019)

Launch Ceremony (18/11)

Left to right: Environmental Protection Film Appreciation (19/11); Potted Fruit Workshop (20/11); Healthy Diet in Winter from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine Seminar (21/11)